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baka to test to shōkanjū
baka and test  detail>>
baka  detail>>
ai no baka
ai no baka  detail>>
baka bukas
baka bukas  detail>>
baka jatt
baqa-jatt  detail>>
baka not nice
baka not nice  detail>>
kanjō effect
kanjō effect  detail>>
kanjō-bugyō  detail>>
.test  detail>>
 n.  test, examination, series of questions designed to gauge a person's knowledge of a pa...  detail>>
the test
the test  detail>>
this is not a test!
this is not a test!  detail>>
kanjūrō arashi
kanjūrō arashi  detail>>
.sh  detail>>
shell, software which provides a convenient user interface for the operating system (computers) sh ...  detail>>
baka (burkina faso)
baka, burkina faso  detail>>
baka (langue nilo-saharienne)
baka language (south sudan)  detail>>
baka (langue oubanguienne)
baka language  detail>>